Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 8 Take a Stand (1)

Week 8 Take a Stand (1)

Q 1. Limits on individual campaign contributions guard against allowing wealthy people to dominate elections. What are some of the possible drawbacks of such regulations? 2. Under the Current law, corporations and unions (nor just individuals) are allowed unlimited political expenditures as long as they are independent of a candidate’s campaign organization. Why do you think independent expenditures are less regulated than direct contributions to campaigns?

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Campaign finance regulations have placed restrictions, what the Americans have done to influence the election outcomes, there are also several type of organizations that are idealized in the preferred zones and that involves participation too in the existing organization. Certain drawbacks that can be placed here are, peaceably the restrictions that are chosen by the right to assemble and form the grievances. One interpretation can be shaped having the campaign finance is that people should be free to do whatever they like to do.